How do I join Myfugo?

Myfugo currently deals with groups Cooperative societies, Self-help groups and Community based organizations. You have to be a member of an organized group to transact with Myfugo. 

How do I get a loan?

To get a loan, you need to be a member of an organized group (Cooperative societies, Self-help groups and Community based organizations.) with a minimum of 10members in order to be eligible for a loan.

Myfugo signs agreements with the groups to provide members with micro loans and cow loans (Leta Ng’ombe).

I already have a group, what do I do?

All your group needs is, to have been registered with a certificate and have a registry of bona fide members (minimum of 10 people).

If you have the above information send an application to indicating the following:

EMAIL TITTLE:  Group Application for Financing Partnership

a) Your group name

b) Number of members

c) Location (Office or general area where you are based)

d) Group income generating activities (farming, trading etc.)

e) Bank account

f) Attach a soft copy of your group registration certificate in the email

Our sale steam will verify and advice on the next step